With the news focusing on a Global Cyber War. People getting hacked daily, even myself and im in college and a hacker to a sort. But products, Corporate America keeps raising prices in the stores. Little companies that are struggling world wide, get tarrifed off, and cant sell their too technology because Microsoft wont let then. Now being a Global Investment Trader, I have made some Good Acquaintances throughout the Globe. Dispite if a world war 3 breaks out, ill just be the college guy, trying to hustle off my technology, or find the cheapest rate for the best product and hustle. So with thos, if anyone is trying to get some cool new tech gadgets, etc moved. And your country, my country, who evers country. All of Us Small Business Owners, need to work together. Cus despite Cyber Wars, Were at War with All The Major Corporations trying to stop US from Moving Our AIs. Mine is the chatgpt 3.5 turbo. Made it my laptop guard dog lol. But ny question is, if there is a new war? What countries will bennifit in the Stock Market? London? Australia? Tokio?