Still believe any price below 43 level is windows of opportunities for small and progressive entries. Any cautionary trading is highly suggested.
Buy near closing on Friday if you must. If not , just wait a few weeks , tariff is almost certain from trump , I dont think the news is in the price yet.
_MK_Watcher_ : Not impossible - It is a Friday the 13th tomorrow. Anyway, anything can happen in either way, depending which force is stronger.
101628055 _MK_Watcher_ : What do you think is the best price to add during this time?
_MK_Watcher_ 101628055 : Still believe any price below 43 level is windows of opportunities for small and progressive entries. Any cautionary trading is highly suggested.
101628055 _MK_Watcher_ : Me too. Thanks for your advice!
Uppppppp OP _MK_Watcher_ : Thank you so much
Hopefully can get in tomorrow below 43
Cari_makan : Buy near closing on Friday if you must. If not , just wait a few weeks , tariff is almost certain from trump , I dont think the news is in the price yet.
M Calvin : No need worry …
102982629 : Yahhh waiting for Tmr or next week at lower prices
friend688 : I feel year end lack trading support everyone on holidays. Likely go below 43.