Maniac Fool : 43.6+ is support. 44 is resistance level. I thought you only coming next month?
friend688 OP Maniac Fool : Too tempting the price. Just play slightly
friend688 OP : My average now is 43.79. Hehehe doing averaging down trending purchase . Cheers
Maniac Fool friend688 OP : U ah… tsk tsk tsk
friend688 OP : As I said this counter will split at 50. How else they pump in billions to buy back? Pump up to split is their end goal strategy. Trust my instincts. Correct one
sentosa island : Friend, I support you.
103544530 Maniac Fool : Novice ask: How are these Support and Resistance levels determined? Thank you.
RenenoMirai : Sure mah?
Maniac Fool 103544530 : Experience
Maniac Fool friend688 OP : Buyback to destroy the shares so that the dividend rate is increased with smaller number of floating shares mah
Maniac Fool : 43.6+ is support. 44 is resistance level. I thought you only coming next month?
friend688 OP Maniac Fool : Too tempting the price. Just play slightly
friend688 OP : My average now is 43.79. Hehehe doing averaging down trending purchase . Cheers
Maniac Fool friend688 OP : U ah… tsk tsk tsk
friend688 OP : As I said this counter will split at 50. How else they pump in billions to buy back? Pump up to split is their end goal strategy. Trust my instincts. Correct one
sentosa island : Friend, I support you.
103544530 Maniac Fool : Novice ask: How are these Support and Resistance levels determined? Thank you.
RenenoMirai : Sure mah?
Maniac Fool 103544530 : Experience
Maniac Fool friend688 OP : Buyback to destroy the shares so that the dividend rate is increased with smaller number of floating shares mah