So actually there’s a lot of people out there that might just be like me they kinda want to feel the money in their banks right like yea put in it for years value u just watching there’s gotta be a time where and when I wanna take out some money when is the best time to sell?
Not trade brothers. I just realised them before any dip, plus buying falling knife dip using averaging method. Yes need capital to do averaging buy in. Leaving money there long term not realising can be risky loosing them when major dip comes in like a pandemic or major world peace conflict. Best to realise your assets along the up trend.
Call staggered buy in averaging & out realised along the way. More secured strategy. Else dip didn’t realise or down no capital to buy in as was holding.
CE23 : Uh please fund me
CE23 : Can u share what steps u do and how u enter,exit
CE23 : the poor always get poorer and the rich always get richer
kenzsim CE23 : don't trade.. dbs big swing earn more..
he got capital to trade swing...
I never trade for my spouse account just hold and also earn a lot
unless u got capital and energy to trade
CE23 kenzsim : Thanks mate
CE23 kenzsim : So actually there’s a lot of people out there that might just be like me they kinda want to feel the money in their banks right like yea put in it for years value u just watching there’s gotta be a time where and when I wanna take out some money when is the best time to sell?
friend688 OP kenzsim : Not trade brothers. I just realised them before any dip, plus buying falling knife dip using averaging method. Yes need capital to do averaging buy in. Leaving money there long term not realising can be risky loosing them when major dip comes in like a pandemic or major world peace conflict. Best to realise your assets along the up trend.
kenzsim CE23 : sell after q4 reporting the dividends than u exit and buy back cheaper later
the stock increase because they keep saying report good
NI income is going down next year
dbs is banking on HNW and crypto
ocbc is also insurance (ge) and wealth management
uob I no experience
friend688 OP CE23 : Call staggered buy in averaging & out realised along the way. More secured strategy. Else dip didn’t realise or down no capital to buy in as was holding.
CE23 kenzsim : Does q4 always do worser
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