flying 2 the moon
because we are closing to dividend date as well as the bonus stock share rightfully it should be rising then adjusted by a little after bonus stock share released
flying 2 the moon
10 shares free 1 share + 0.50 per share for dividend. So need to see what is the market price after declare dividend and bonus shares. Is it possible drop back to $30 after these dividends and bonus shares?
flying 2 the moon : How to get next TP at $36.5?
tothemoooonnn flying 2 the moon : because we are closing to dividend date as well as the bonus stock share rightfully it should be rising then adjusted by a little after bonus stock share released
flying 2 the moon tothemoooonnn : Noted. Thought we are using average TP given by institutions.
tothemoooonnn flying 2 the moon : and that can be a point too i believe![undefined [undefined]](
flying 2 the moon tothemoooonnn : Let’s HUAT together
tothemoooonnn flying 2 the moon : huattt but i think i holding till i get bonus stock cause more shares = more dividends![undefined [undefined]](
flying 2 the moon tothemoooonnn : 10 shares free 1 share + 0.50 per share for dividend. So need to see what is the market price after declare dividend and bonus shares. Is it possible drop back to $30 after these dividends and bonus shares?
tothemoooonnn flying 2 the moon : doubt so most likely will be adjusted by 5-10% i believe for the bonus stock share
tothemoooonnn flying 2 the moon : but for dividend payout i not too sure
flying 2 the moon tothemoooonnn : Thanks for sharing bro.
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