The bank stocks are at all time high and RSI is near 70. Going into overbought condition soon. Once the big players start to dump the bank stocks for profit taking, they can drop a lot. Trade with caution. No stocks are invincible and straight line up. Wait for correction before going in again. This is my view.
104260287 : Foreign institutions r buying d stock, when they leave it will drop
102796003 104260287 : Saw this in the inflow/outflow sections
Deep Sea OP 104260287 : agreed. dont chase after the stock when it’s at all time high.
Joe_theMan : I agreed, sold at 36 & though deeply regret, still hold the hope that there'll be a correction down to 35-36
102546891 : Hahahahahaha
Deep Sea OP Joe_theMan :
Ryebread : Ever wonder why foreign institutions are entering now? what's going to transpire soon that money is coming in?
103890849 : Well hope it will go down more so can buy more
Deep Sea OP Ryebread : Those funds that enter now are late comers to the party. They are likely to be bag holders and holding the baby. Not all funds are smart.
Ryebread Deep Sea OP : yes, I agree not every one is smart.
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