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$Destiny Tech100 (DXYZ.US)$ this closed end ETF should have ...

$Destiny Tech100 (DXYZ.US)$ this closed end ETF should have a leg up open AI just announced their next round of fundraising at 250 million in minimum investment. and they're looking to raise between 8 and 9 billion during this round of funding.. and destiny has a position early on in openai. as a caution this trades at an enormous premium to the net asset value so don't go crazy if you buy it number one number two it's very illiquid it's difficult to sell large positions in but this is the only way for Joe retail investor to have any type of ownership in openai and something that is publicly traded right now.
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  • 151684498 : Do you really think that 3.5% stake has any significance in price of this stock?

  • 10baggerbamm OP 151684498 : as a matter of percent no but as what it represents from an upside standpoint can be enormous openai is still raising money two to three times a year and each sequential round the valuation of the company is going up parabolically so at some point in time when they do go public and they will you're talking about a company that's probably going to be valued at a trillion dollars on day one. and again being that asset value of this ETF is very very high relative to their underlying positions. n because everything they invest in is private like SpaceX for example they're highly a liquid positions they do have the ability and there are exchanges set up to sell early stage investments to accredited investors you basically name your price on these private exchanges but very few people sell anything. this would be something that if this ETF ever gets hit hard it's down 2 to $3 in a day on a sell-off because the market gets cranked that's when you would nibble at it and that's all it would be would a tiny position.

  • leoneday : If OpenAI went public by themselves…

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.