Nil : +1
no_word : unable provide any suggestions you can buy anytime under risk you can take
长夜慢慢回本路 : Sold the stock bought at 66 for 67.5. Feeling sad.
Loong11 : RSI is high , over buy
Midoo EGY 长夜慢慢回本路 : i told you hold till.105 then we can decide
Nil : +1
no_word : unable provide any suggestions you can buy anytime under risk you can take
长夜慢慢回本路 : Sold the stock bought at 66 for 67.5. Feeling sad.
Loong11 : RSI is high , over buy
Midoo EGY 长夜慢慢回本路 : i told you hold till.105 then we can decide