273794940202 : lol we still gonna sqeeze this bitch up
FANCY PANTS OP : https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001411579/000110465924081453/tm2419663d1_8k.htm
FANCY PANTS OP 273794940202 : 175 our of 900 locations being sold off to a shell corpMore dilution!Licensing complicationsTheir revenue can't keep up with their obligations. It's a death spiral.
273794940202 : lol we still gonna sqeeze this bitch up
FANCY PANTS OP : https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001411579/000110465924081453/tm2419663d1_8k.htm
FANCY PANTS OP 273794940202 : 175 our of 900 locations being sold off to a shell corp
More dilution!
Licensing complications
Their revenue can't keep up with their obligations. It's a death spiral.