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Have you taken a laxative or something?

When you drink Colack, you become boorack (*゚∀゚)wahahaha It's noisy. So, if you take an anti-diarrheal, will the market crash stop? Stock price plummet, stop diarrhea! I'll drink as much as needed. No, wait, constipation is troublesome, so I won't do it.
So, our Jumia-chan has been on a downward trend, but it's mostly as expected. Even looking at the financial statements, losses are shrinking, and investments in facilities are being made, so I've been viewing this year as a foundation-building year. Inflation, floods, pandemics, this year has been tough, and there have been plenty of news about African investments, but there were more negative news than positive news, so I thought it was a difficult year.
But in Q4, if you don't show any signs of improvement here, it's seriously over.
I'm already over, and I'm going to end even more. Even though the story has ended, an epilogue is playing as a bonus, even though it really ended, it started again, ended, and truly ended, it feels like an entertainment work that continues to Final scam, you'll experience it, you fool.
Have you taken a laxative or something?
Have you taken a laxative or something?
Have you taken a laxative or something?
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  • kenau : Based on the financials, I read that there is potential for the future.
    I think it's time to buy.

  • 赤銅錫乃介 OP kenau : To be serious, as you say, the future potential is outstanding. Jumia's growth is based on the overall economic growth of Africa, driven by the expansion of the middle class, so to speak. And that growth expansion is currently in progress. However, I see that it will take a little more time for it to be reflected in Jumia's stock price.
    In the post, it may seem like I am fluctuating between joy and worry about the rise and fall, but in reality, I am holding it with the assumption of a long-term hold on an annual basis.

    No, seriously, the appearance of fluctuating between joy and worry is just for fun.

    I don't really do things like 'whoo-hoo' in real life.

    It's just for fun.

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