so instead of stock buying, your people bashing. You got the wrong place. Take your hatred some place else, and keep your political opinions out of the stock trade.SMH
Simon 5183
People can only see the back pockets of other people's pants, and they can never see the back pockets of their own pants. In fact, you are the one carrying hatred.
Simon 5183
No no. I hate no one. I wish you nothing but the best, but if my comment has triggered you to act even more disrespectful, how about look in a mirror, to see your own back pocket. It can be done. God Bless.
Trump is a clown, and you are the circus. Now go and fuck off fascist pile of shit who hides behind a fake God. maybe you should have your sky, Daddy, curse me!
How is God a lie? If he was a lie, you would not talk about him, put him down, or say he is fake. You would only ask, "God? what do you mean?" He would nt trigger your feeling that way. Besides If your right, you loose nothing, but if your wrong, you loose everything. God Bless
Ken Griffin Lied : you seem obsessed with Trump.
why would you be here?
how much are they paying you??
Truth712 : so instead of stock buying, your people bashing. You got the wrong place. Take your hatred some place else, and keep your political opinions out of the stock trade.SMH
5060 OP Truth712 : stfu clown
Simon 5183 Truth712 : People can only see the back pockets of other people's pants, and they can never see the back pockets of their own pants. In fact, you are the one carrying hatred.
Truth712 Simon 5183 : No no. I hate no one. I wish you nothing but the best, but if my comment has triggered you to act even more disrespectful, how about look in a mirror, to see your own back pocket. It can be done. God Bless.
Truth712 Simon 5183 : May the wisdom of peace, come to you in reality
God Bless
5060 OP Truth712 : God is a lie . shut up clown
5060 OP Truth712 : Trump is a clown, and you are the circus. Now go and fuck off fascist pile of shit who hides behind a fake God. maybe you should have your sky, Daddy, curse me!
Simon 5183 Truth712 : Smart people can only see their stupid opposite selves in the mirror
Truth712 5060 OP : How is God a lie? If he was a lie, you would not talk about him, put him down, or say he is fake. You would only ask, "God? what do you mean?" He would nt trigger your feeling that way.
Besides If your right, you loose nothing, but if your wrong, you loose everything. God Bless