101651842 : hohoho
ATS A trade sniper OP 101651842 : hohoho
102406932 : buy in..
102406932 : fast down fast up
ATS A trade sniper OP 102406932 : fast dipping
InvestorGod : Rising again ? Or faked rise ?
KissMeOlalala : Buy ah
InvestorGod : The way Lim sees it, getting one million clients for the bank in five years is a reasonable target.
InvestorGod : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ifast-global-bank_ifastglobalsymposium-businessgoals-networking-activity-7265677461982531584-h720?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
101651842 : hohoho
ATS A trade sniper OP 101651842 : hohoho
102406932 : buy in..
102406932 : fast down fast up
ATS A trade sniper OP 102406932 : fast dipping
InvestorGod : Rising again ? Or faked rise ?
KissMeOlalala : Buy ah
InvestorGod : The way Lim sees it, getting one million clients for the bank in five years is a reasonable target.
InvestorGod : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ifast-global-bank_ifastglobalsymposium-businessgoals-networking-activity-7265677461982531584-h720?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios