股海踏浪 OP : Buy in 2.8 across from you, if I don't make money, I will live stream eating poop.
Bing liu929 股海踏浪 OP : I went all in with a buy of 2.8.
靜觀其變 : I'll wait until you're ready, then I'll come over to help you get out of the trap, okay?
zzjw : Are you really making money or just talking tough?
All in everyday : China hasn't opened the market yet, so don't short randomly.
股海踏浪 OP zzjw : 2.75, 2.85 ate in, 3.19 threw out, now take 2.8 and then back, you say I made a profit or a loss? I've already started to earn money.
102718533 : Where will the live broadcast be? I would like to do some research.
zzjw 股海踏浪 OP : Okay, but I just need to hold the stock and don't need to operate so frequently.
杜员外 股海踏浪 OP : You eat it together. It's still hot. Baked with berries and flower sauce. Sesame paste. Topped with yogurt and chocolate sauce. Cheese gravy - if you're thirsty, top it with soy sauce and stinky tofu shrimp sauce. Perfect
炒股混饭 : It is not possible to see a big drop before next Tuesday.. The 'A God' has not appeared yet 🫡
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股海踏浪 OP : Buy in 2.8 across from you, if I don't make money, I will live stream eating poop.
Bing liu929 股海踏浪 OP : I went all in with a buy of 2.8.
靜觀其變 : I'll wait until you're ready, then I'll come over to help you get out of the trap, okay?
zzjw : Are you really making money or just talking tough?
All in everyday : China hasn't opened the market yet, so don't short randomly.
股海踏浪 OP zzjw : 2.75, 2.85 ate in, 3.19 threw out, now take 2.8 and then back, you say I made a profit or a loss? I've already started to earn money.
102718533 : Where will the live broadcast be? I would like to do some research.
zzjw 股海踏浪 OP : Okay, but I just need to hold the stock and don't need to operate so frequently.
杜员外 股海踏浪 OP : You eat it together. It's still hot. Baked with berries and flower sauce. Sesame paste. Topped with yogurt and chocolate sauce. Cheese gravy - if you're thirsty, top it with soy sauce and stinky tofu shrimp sauce. Perfect
炒股混饭 : It is not possible to see a big drop before next Tuesday.. The 'A God' has not appeared yet 🫡
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