赚够一千万 : Did you get off the car??
Tom2808 赚够一千万 : I am there.
赚够一千万 Tom2808 : How much is your cost?
Tom2808 赚够一千万 : 35。。。
Tom2808 赚够一千万 : There should be more
赚够一千万 Tom2808 : You are so strong!
Tom2808 赚够一千万 : Where. I'm already 34, it's too much.
Tom2808 : If he drops it, I'll buy it, and sell it when it's on... It went back and forth and dropped to 35
赚够一千万 : Did you get off the car??
Tom2808 赚够一千万 : I am there.
赚够一千万 Tom2808 : How much is your cost?
Tom2808 赚够一千万 : 35。。。
Tom2808 赚够一千万 : There should be more
赚够一千万 Tom2808 : You are so strong!
Tom2808 赚够一千万 : Where. I'm already 34, it's too much.
Tom2808 : If he drops it, I'll buy it, and sell it when it's on
... It went back and forth and dropped to 35