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$Direxion Daily Real Estate Bull 3X Shares ETF (DRN.US)$ ano...

$Direxion Daily Real Estate Bull 3X Shares ETF (DRN.US)$ another morning open another 2% Gap up. I know this ETF is boring people but if you don't own it you are going to miss out on one of the greatest percent returns over the next 6 to 12 months. well everybody loves tech and you can put me as a cheerleader at the top of the list waving my Nvidia flag you have to look outside of sectors that everybody already owns. I've been pounding the table on this real estate investment trust since it was $7 you can go back and read about it. it has just started to move July 11th we're still in September and it's gone from high sevens to $14 and this is just the beginning. I believe you're going to see this by Midway through next year conservatively in the low 20s and I believe that probably by a year from today we're going to be back to 27 to $28.
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  • Warren Buffed : This benefits from rate cut right? Cheaper loans?

  • 10baggerbamm OP Warren Buffed : it's not a matter of cheaper loans it's the real estate industry is the last man on the battlefield that has not rallied two multi-year highs or New Year highs.. the real estate industry has been kicked at a curb thrown out the baby with the bathwater pick a saying and it all commenced when interest rates started to rise several years ago. when you compound rising interest rates with covid where everybody left office buildings were they sat vacant where the Dynamics of working from home changed the need for these large corporations to rent commercial properties all of these stocks as a result were taken out behind the barn and beaten like a redheaded stepchild. fast forward several years many of these companies in this real estate investment trust owned the properties that are being used for data centers oh my God that's amazing that's what everybody wants is real estate that's prime real estate because that's where the future is. the balance of properties are in key cities that are the best cities in the country where real estate is highly sought after where properties are 95% leased and new leases are setting all-time highs again. so absolutely when interest rates fall people will look to invest in real estate because the ability for these properties to be refinanced is much easier number one number two they pay dividends and when these companies start generating profits again and huge profits they will generate they will spin off those profits in the form of much higher dividends so they will raise the dividends going forward and money chases yield in a declining rate economy so you have all of these factors of why this basket is going to go significantly higher

  • Warren Buffed 10baggerbamm OP : Whoa, very detailed analysis, need time to digest

  • 10baggerbamm OP Warren Buffed : okay how about this


    is that easier to understand? 😂

  • Warren Buffed 10baggerbamm OP : Ahhh [undefined] thats it

  • 10baggerbamm OP Warren Buffed : it's important that you understand that I'm not at a loss of words number one number two I want to try to answer questions as thoroughly and clearly as possible so that people can make a sound investment decision. there's so many people that will just give these short one sentence answers that really provide little to no clarity. so if someone says should I buy it and you go yes and another person says no what the hell good is that it's a wash but if people go into a little bit more detail and explain the rationale behind their response then you will gain the insight needed to understand okay these chronological events make sense I can validate the fact that real estate investment trusts do pay dividends that the reasons why they came down is because of covid that because they came down because of high interest rates and people are looking for better returns than what they were paying at the time so you can stack all of these weights if you will always reasons on a scale and it tips one way or another and that way you're able to say okay there's 10 heavy reasons why I need to buy it and there's only really one or two that say I should be cautious so I'm buying it..

  • Follow Mr Market : What index or etf does DRN track to achieve triple leverage?

36 yrs in the trenches, raised 100mil for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker. R/Everythingstocks