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$Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3x Shares ETF (SOXL.US)$ ...

$Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3x Shares ETF (SOXL.US)$ so the real questions going to be what happens with Taiwan semi after the close today if they don't guide higher we're going to get smacked again so they need to beat the street revenue beat the Street earnings both of those beats have to be higher than the whisper number and they have to guide higher than they did previously but the big issue is President Trump made a statement yesterday regarding Taiwan semiconductor what would equate to as a tariff. and then President Biden made a statement limiting technology sales so that's another trade war with China I mean he's dead set on continuing a trade war with China. I understand this has happened before with apple and with Nvidia chips and the stocks have always traded higher and has happened so it probably will happen again but it doesn't mean there's a lot of short-term pain. so what it comes down to is Taiwan Sammy needs to knock the cover off the ball and then we'll have some consolidation or slight weed upward bias tomorrow on the open if not it'll be a repeat of today
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  • Salmon Klein : the earnings does.not matter looks asml today. They beat expectations and raised guidance. Still, the market is a blood bath, particularly semiconductors, because of whatever Biden said that I don't know. amd suffered for 4 months the thing with China and look at today, down a 9% unbelievable. this is very annoying, very very

  • 10baggerbamm OP Salmon Klein : that's not true as forward guidance was less than expected (Asml) read the story their forward guidance is why the stock is getting butchered and it should not be a surprise because last quarter when the stock was taking apart they said that this is going to be a second half story that they will experience their growth in Q3 and Q4 of this year so nothing has changed with the company

  • Salmon Klein 10baggerbamm OP : I read they say they will be at the higher end of their guidance? so what's the problem with that? asml is the only company, or the one that sells 90% of the machines used to fabricate chips, I don't see the problem to butchered that way, especially when they say AI is growing demand...I dont understand markets too greedy and no rational for me

  • 10baggerbamm OP Salmon Klein : 90% of their guidance that's a 10% shortfall . you cannot miss at all that's why I say you have to knock the cover off the ball you see you have revenue numbers then you have whisper numbers you have earnings per share you have whisper numbers for your earnings per share and then you have your four guidance that you announce last quarter you have to raise that and you have to raise it higher than the highest expectation if you look with AMD they raised it 4 billion the streets high for forward guidance was 6 billion that's why it got taken apart not because it's a bad company it's a great company second to Nvidia it's the best company to own for the next several years. if you're going to rotate into the Russell you got 10% of that in biotech companies that are waiting FDA approval that'll never get it cuz they're in phase one you got to go phase two phase 3 human testing you're going to run out of money long before you ever get to that level they're not profitable those are the ones that when they have bad news or down 90% then you got the regional Banks which I've made a lot of money in but they're still sitting on a trillion dollars worth of commercial loans that every expert said come 2025 is going to be a train wreck for them so 20% of the Russell are the regionals. 70% of the Russell have no earnings so you tell me what companies to buy because my experience tells me you buy the ones that are the market leaders making the money with little to no debt with enormous barriers to entry and you buy them when Wall Street marks them down and puts them on sale.

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.