everybody is using this as a source of funds software is what is on the move right now you can look at mongodb you can look at all of the cyber security software they're all on the move so this sector is dead why real simple because nobody knows what Trump is going to do with sanctions they said on TV that Jensen has not had the time or the ability to speak with or meet with Trump since elected I think when Jensen sits with Trump and obviously Elon Musk I'm sure we'll be in the room there's going to be an AI czar established and Trump's going to understand he can't cripple these companies because these technology companies based for the most part in the United States are the driving force behind artificial intelligence so Trump needs to come out with a statement saying we'll figure it out these companies are going to make a lot of money everyone's going to come out okay something like that and then this sector will be off to the races
151798759 : If this is what most of the traders are thinking then probably it won’t
10baggerbamm : everybody is using this as a source of funds software is what is on the move right now you can look at mongodb you can look at all of the cyber security software they're all on the move so this sector is dead why real simple because nobody knows what Trump is going to do with sanctions they said on TV that Jensen has not had the time or the ability to speak with or meet with Trump since elected I think when Jensen sits with Trump and obviously Elon Musk I'm sure we'll be in the room there's going to be an AI czar established and Trump's going to understand he can't cripple these companies because these technology companies based for the most part in the United States are the driving force behind artificial intelligence so Trump needs to come out with a statement saying we'll figure it out these companies are going to make a lot of money everyone's going to come out okay something like that and then this sector will be off to the races