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Discuss how building a large casino in Johor Bahru would benefit our economy

The strong economic benefits that can be brought about by opening a large casino can be analyzed from the following aspects:
### Economic Benefits

1. **Job Generation**:
- The construction and operation of large casinos requires a large amount of labor, from construction workers to casino employees, which will create a large number of direct and indirect employment opportunities.
- Increase the local employment rate, reduce the unemployment rate, and improve the living standards of residents.

2. **Increase tax revenue**:
- Casino operations will bring considerable tax revenue to the government, which can be used to build local infrastructure and improve public services, such as education, health care, etc.
- Increase government revenue to help develop the local economy and improve public services.

3. **Stimulate tourism**:
- Large casinos will attract domestic and foreign visitors to Johor Bahru, thereby boosting the development of the local hotel, restaurant, retail and entertainment industries.
- Increase the international visibility of Johor Bahru to attract more investment and visitors.

4. **Promoting the development of related industries**:
- The tourism and entertainment industry driven by casinos will promote the development of related service industries, such as transportation, shopping, culture and entertainment.
- Improve the overall level and service quality of the local industrial chain.

### The benefits of saving forest cities

1. **Enhancing the vitality of the real estate market**:
- The establishment of a large-scale casino will attract a large number of visitors and investors, driving demand in the real estate market in and around Forest City.
- Increase the value of residential and commercial properties in Forest City and promote activity in the real estate market.

2. **Increase population mobility**:
- Attracting more people to migrate to Forest City and increasing the population density and vitality of the region.
- Increase the demand for housing, enhance the utilization rate of urban infrastructure and the vitality of the city.

3. **Improving the business investment environment**:
- The successful operation of large casinos will attract more domestic and foreign investors to pay attention and investment to Forest City and the surrounding area.
- Increase the attractiveness of the overall business environment and promote the settlement and development of more industries and enterprises.

4. **Raising the overall level of the regional economy**:
- Raise the level of economic development in Forest City and surrounding areas through large-scale casinos and related tourism industries.
- Increase the diversity and resilience of local economies and enhance the resilience of regional economies to risks.

### Summary

Opening a large-scale casino in Johor Bahru can bring a range of economic benefits, such as increased employment opportunities, tax increases, tourism development, and the prosperity of related industries. Furthermore, it also helps to enhance the vitality of Forest City's real estate market, increase population mobility, enhance the commercial investment environment and raise the overall level of the regional economy, and ultimately achieve the goal of saving and revitalizing Forest City.
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