碧海藍天 : 30% withholding tax
megaman_zer0 : rip
105283290 : may I know where is the dividend deposit to? to cash account?nor reinvest?
MoopyLaFuFu OP 105283290 : It will deposit to universal account as Cash item, you can use it for fund subscriptions or but stocks
MoopyLaFuFu OP megaman_zer0 :
MoopyLaFuFu OP 碧海藍天 : Thank you.
碧海藍天 : 30% withholding tax
megaman_zer0 : rip
105283290 : may I know where is the dividend deposit to? to cash account?nor reinvest?
MoopyLaFuFu OP 105283290 : It will deposit to universal account as Cash item, you can use it for fund subscriptions or but stocks
MoopyLaFuFu OP megaman_zer0 :
MoopyLaFuFu OP 碧海藍天 : Thank you.