Silverbat : Is the downward trend stopping?
Ryanlim61319 OP Silverbat : Feel like it will approach 270 by 10/10.
miu x 2 : sell it with that profit, put into our own pocket
Ryanlim61319 OP miu x 2 : 270之前会卖出一些
TheTeh C Ryanlim61319 OP : Hold
Cuhai88 : Hold
Silverbat : Is the downward trend stopping?
Ryanlim61319 OP Silverbat : Feel like it will approach 270 by 10/10.
miu x 2 : sell it with that profit, put into our own pocket
Ryanlim61319 OP miu x 2 : 270之前会卖出一些
TheTeh C Ryanlim61319 OP : Hold
Cuhai88 : Hold