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What are option Greeks, and how do you use them?
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Do You Want to Succeed?

A man came one day to the great Greek philosopher Socrates and said, "Teacher, I have studied many of your precepts and yet I still do not have your success.  What is the secret to your success?"  Socrates looked at the young man and said, "Follow me."  Perplexed, the young man followed Socrates to the river's edge.  Socrates waded in, clothes on and all, and motioned the man to follow.  The man followed him until the water was up to their chest. Then, without warning, Socrates grabbed the man's head and pushed him under water.  The man struggled, but Socrates was surprisingly strong and held him under for some time.  Finally, when the man barely has consciousness left, Socrates let go and the man lifted his head out gasping wildly for breath.  "While I was pushing you under the water," Socrates asked, "what was the one thing you wanted more than anything?"  "I wanted to breathe," the young man answered.  "There you have it then," Socrates said, "when you want success as much as you wanted to breathe, then it will happen."
How badly do we want to succeed?  What sacrifice and what work are we willing to put in to make it happen?  So many just want the easy way out. They want to be told what to do, what to buy, where to put their money, etc.  They want to become rich without doing any of the work.  Nothing in life worth having comes easy.  It takes discipline, perseverance and time.
Whether it’s holding, learning, or sticking to your rules, the desire to work and the will to succeed matters greatly. Do not drown in the daily fluctuations of the market, but find your breath, stake your claim, and build your future.
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