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Don’t buy without hedging

Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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  • Too late : There is definitely a lot of evidence to support these allegations, and I am very surprised that friends still dare to buy this stock.

  • Silverbat OP Too late : DELL much better

  • SimonYoo Too late : Leeks are always what most people think they are.

  • Silverbat OP SimonYoo : Most of this report consists of cases from 10 years ago, mostly overlooked in time and rapid growth, with the stock price rising even higher after each 'case' operation! Investment banks are resorting to any means necessary, using options to suppress stock prices, squeeze positions, and increase holdings. The year 2025 will mark a new beginning for SMCI, as CEO Liang will undoubtedly lead the company into a huge enterprise with $1.01 trillion before retirement. We look forward to it!

  • Capital Gains : this stock is shit until they figure out how to get their margins up.. Their earnings was packed by numbers to pad  their revenue. Those customers who got a deal are gonna do the samething to them again and until they figure a way to get their margains up they are gonna have issues

  • Capital Gains : if you dont get this under 400 its not worth it at this point

  • 105446847 : There is a large amount of evidence that has been reported a long time ago; it is not - faster and easier to make big money; first, I declare that I do not hold any shares of smci; I did not say they did not violate the law; usually, they will short sell stocks by spreading a large amount of negative news; causing retail investors to panic and follow suit.
