105527187 : What time does the market open?
股神只是虚名 : No. We must have faith
KC67 Chan : Why ? He already president , this stock going to 100
興旺發 : Even if it drops, it will quickly rise back up, what are you afraid of? Becoming a president?
72684975 OP 股神只是虚名 : 我们也得面对现实才是啊
105527187 : What time does the market open?
股神只是虚名 : No. We must have faith
KC67 Chan : Why ? He already president , this stock going to 100
興旺發 : Even if it drops, it will quickly rise back up, what are you afraid of? Becoming a president?
72684975 OP 股神只是虚名 : 我们也得面对现实才是啊