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July P/L Challenge: Which GIF best describes your trading journey?
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Don’t Panic when you buy high 😌

Don’t Panic when you buy high 😌
Don’t Panic when you buy high 😌
When you entered at the wrong instance and realised that you bought high. What do you do?


Don’t Panic when you buy high 😌
1. Don’t panic. Be rational.
2. (If you have set stop loss, move on to the next trade.) As I didn’t want to sell at a loss for this stock $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ a few stategies can be employed.
3. Hold more Stocks- Buy the dip, if you went top heavy like me. Buy the dip won’t help much. But does lower the cost slightly. (I did this)
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4. Options: Buy a PUT option. Do this early it you anticipate it calling further. (I didn’t do this)
5. Options: Sell a Put. If you are confident in the stock bouncing back and don’t mind holding more and DCA further (I did this)
Don’t Panic when you buy high 😌
6. Options: Buy CAll Option. (I did this)
Don’t Panic when you buy high 😌
7. Options: Sell Call Option (Covered Call) If you wanted to protect your entry early (I didn’t do this)
Important Warning ⚠️ Both selling Calls/Puts Options strategies may not be for everyone. You need to fully understand the risk involved and margin required to employ them effectively. As both will require a large amount of capital when ITM.
If you have other suggestions can share and comment your constructive strategies below👇
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  • toomanyscammers : don't really understand sell put buy call in detail from the post but if you put I scared also too cheem for newbies like me to understand so in the end put also too much don't put also too little 😂 life's tough. but I'm glad Ur strategies seem to be working for U!!! and nice that Ur post has options (pun intended) lolol

  • CasualInvestor OP : It’s the timing of when you buy and sell options. Some are done early to insure against a bad outcome. While another which I did was after and I want to gap up using options as an example. Instead of waiting for the stock to rise back to 135 levels.

    My sold PUT was for a longer period.
    My buy Call was for a shorter period which I closed the position early and took profit of 400dollars

    Hope it clarifies. It takes some knowledge to understand. I was like that too [undefined]

    Maybe I should start a channel. [undefined]

  • Jah Maycan : you hold off fundamental is the long's what I do..for example I bought some Nvidia at 133.00

  • CasualInvestor OP Jah Maycan : I’m with you brother [undefined]

  • 104247826 : [undefined]

2024H1 Moomoo Alchemist
Investing casually and learning as I go. My journey to double my 💰at the min. While sharing journey w kindred souls.