Cryptocurrency scams are on the rise every day, week, month and year. Don’t support something that is so widely targeted by criminals to swindle millions of people around the world of their hard earned money. That is why China and India governments have taken the bold step to ban the use of bitcoin for payments in their country. You can play your part too. Stop buying, let all the big organisations buy for all they like. Once the masses stop buying, the value will start dropping to zero. Crypto should not exists in the first place. So many people in my country have been lured through false exchanges etc to buy Bitcoin and lost their life savings. Let Bitcoin die and the world will be a better place. We did fine without it, we’ll continue to do fine without it!
103492531 : but.. chinese is made up of more than 60% of bitcoin miner
dydxequalszero OP 103492531 : China banned bitcoin mining in 2021
dydxequalszero OP : Help to spread the message if you can. Those channels like Swan Bitcoin etc although their content is very well presented, at the end of the day, if you think about it, it doesn’t make sense at all.
dydxequalszero OP : For those who feel Bitcoin is superior to fiat currency because fiat is controlled by the government, just ask yourself: In what way has your government mistreated you? Inflation is part and parcel of life, as salaries increase, people spend more and prices go up. Nothing wrong with that. How does Bitcoin help to hedge against inflation when its price is fluctuating everyday?
liquidityHunter : i still have not get scammed because i am smart. there are many dumb people around the world and i cant help it.
Strengthseller : Why don't you ban fiat too because criminals and scammers are also using it
dydxequalszero OP Strengthseller : It’s much easier to scam people using bitcoin then fiat currency because bitcoin does not have to go through a third party organisation.