74577076 OP Papa Powell : How can we short sell more if you don't buy from us?
源33 : I am very curious, why can you short sell? I don't have the option to short sell here.
Papa Powell 源33 : It is better to have than have not. The host is on the road to liquidation.
Papa Powell 74577076 OP : Still not closing the position, waiting for a margin call?
74577076 OP 源33 : Trade .. sell
Papa Powell 74577076 OP : Listen, hurry up and close it, sell on the short term after the callback.
源33 74577076 OP : I have short sold other stocks. However, there are some stocks that I have not short sold.
源33 Papa Powell : Set stop loss .. Do not keep adding positions .. If you lose, do not get emotional and trigger revenge trading .. That will be very disastrous ..
Papa Powell 74577076 OP : Is it closed?
74577076 OP Papa Powell : How can we short sell more if you don't buy from us?
源33 : I am very curious, why can you short sell? I don't have the option to short sell here.
Papa Powell 源33 : It is better to have than have not. The host is on the road to liquidation.
Papa Powell 74577076 OP : Still not closing the position, waiting for a margin call?
74577076 OP 源33 : Trade .. sell
Papa Powell 74577076 OP : Listen, hurry up and close it, sell on the short term after the callback.
源33 74577076 OP : I have short sold other stocks. However, there are some stocks that I have not short sold.
源33 Papa Powell : Set stop loss .. Do not keep adding positions .. If you lose, do not get emotional and trigger revenge trading .. That will be very disastrous ..
Papa Powell 74577076 OP : Is it closed?