Don't trust any stock trading discussion groups. Stocks are a zero-sum transaction. The money you earn is the money lost by others. All online trading groups, especially WeChat groups, are designed to gather retail investors to operate in the same direction at the same time, while the group owner or the convener of the group will operate in the opposite direction, because only in this way can he make money. A healthy stock market requires everyone to have different trading strategies so that everyone has the opportunity to make money. If everyone follows the same trading strategy, then this trading strategy or reference indicator will become invalid because big funds will grab all retail investors and catch them all in one fell swoop. Some retail investors buy while others sell at the same time. As long as not everyone operates in one direction, the true price of the stock can be objectively reflected, and it will be difficult for the main funds to determine the direction of operation. Only then will retail investors have the possibility to make money from the main funds.
liang wang199 OP : I only know that when I was trading Shanghai Stock Exchange stocks in China, whenever I heard good news, it was the highest point of the stock. Because big funds needed to sell at high points, they deliberately released good news to let retail investors take over. However, the main funds had already bought and established positions long ago when no one was interested in this stock. So I developed the habit of being afraid when I saw good news and selling stocks immediately.