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Markets rally as recession fears ease: Take action or stay patient?
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$Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$ if chairman Powell ...

$Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$ if chairman Powell does not cut rates today in the next week to two weeks there's going to be a continual reversal in this market to lower levels because people will believe that he's lost his ability to control the economy and unemployment's rising at much higher rate and we're headed into a recession that's why we were down 320 now we're down 550 pre-market..
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  • 103972901 小猪 : It has already dropped by 1500 points, and the Federal Reserve is still standing still 🤦‍♀️. Still have to wait until September, it won't change, right! Is the usa going to collapse!

  • 10baggerbamm OP 103972901 小猪 : powell has the ability to cut it anytime I just sold over a million dollars worth of stock at an enormous loss because they're looking backwards not looking forwards and that's the problem with Keynesian economics you only look at interest rates as your tool but the date of the government collects is highly flawed that's why you see revisions every month significant revisions higher and lower because the data is inaccurate so they're looking backwards two to three months to try to make forward anticipatory movements and all you have to do is listen to the CEOs of McDonald's Domino's Pizza Chipotle Walmart saying that the consumers are slowing their spending down and now when you have people that have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in millions of dollars in their ira 401ks they're not going to spend it all they're not going to buy a car they're not going to remodel their house they're not going to go on vacation they're not going to take trips and that's why it's going to send the economy into a recession that's why you're seeing this reaction cuz the smart people understand chairman Powell fucked up

  • MonkeyGee : This whole drop is to make sure Kamala doesn't get elected.  If the economy sucks with her in office, it will be worse if she is officially the president.  I know if it was Trump in office now he will make sure SPY hit 6K by yearend.

  • UNO Wild Card : Well the MM and HF did benefit from our losses

  • 10baggerbamm OP MonkeyGee : I'm sure president Trump is smart enough and tactical enough to understand that rising unemployment is a very useful talking point. the fact that we have gone from the low threes now to 4.3% and it's accelerating parabolically on a chart shows millions of people are out of work and millions more will be under bidenomics. I suspect this weekend maybe possibly this coming week we'll see President Trump and his campaign take advantage of this rising unemployment rate and use it against Harris because she was the swing vote in the house in the Senate every time they were deadlocked so she owns the rising unemployment in the United States she owns the inflation through that bogus inflation reduction act which is only by name only reduction but we see the impact of it this egregious spending that sent inflation at so she owns the inflation and now she owns the rising unemployment.

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.