152206356 : It is currently outside of trading hours.
小鱼在大海 OP : What time is trading timing, different with Singapore timing
SnowVested 小鱼在大海 OP : refer to Sydney time Australia on your mobile device VIA clock.that will be your easiest tracking method. as is the new york and other markets
Hatt bosdike : Look for ticker DRHSF its same thing
152206356 : It is currently outside of trading hours.
小鱼在大海 OP : What time is trading timing, different with Singapore timing
SnowVested 小鱼在大海 OP : refer to Sydney time Australia on your mobile device VIA clock.
that will be your easiest tracking method. as is the new york and other markets
Hatt bosdike : Look for ticker DRHSF its same thing