NowayTrader : whats the point of putting so much order? each order minus at least 1.50 bucks off.
Mike Liu 12 OP NowayTrader : 错了, 买100units 1.5 .买1000units 15 把1000units分开来买 手续费也是15
MoopyLaBuBu : Good strategy
ILoveDividends : NJHL has so much money to buy DBS
Mike Liu 12 OP ILoveDividends : Not a lot of principal, just buy DBS individually. If you are stuck, just hold the dividend.
ILoveDividends Mike Liu 12 OP : For me, to buy 1 lot of DBS would cost me at least half a year's savings
Mike Liu 12 OP : I will buy Maybank in Malaysia. Every little bit helps.
friend688 : Speculation will lose. Warren said buy and hold.
Mike Liu 12 OP friend688 : Each person has their own way I have 50% holding, 50% trading.
NowayTrader : whats the point of putting so much order? each order minus at least 1.50 bucks off.
Mike Liu 12 OP NowayTrader : 错了,
买100units 1.5 .
买1000units 15
把1000units分开来买 手续费也是15
MoopyLaBuBu : Good strategy
ILoveDividends : NJHL has so much money to buy DBS
Mike Liu 12 OP ILoveDividends : Not a lot of principal, just buy DBS individually. If you are stuck, just hold the dividend.
ILoveDividends Mike Liu 12 OP : For me, to buy 1 lot of DBS would cost me at least half a year's savings
Mike Liu 12 OP : I will buy Maybank in Malaysia.
Every little bit helps.
friend688 : Speculation will lose. Warren said buy and hold.
Mike Liu 12 OP friend688 : Each person has their own way
I have 50% holding, 50% trading.