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Dufu Technology Berhad – A Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Maker Reports a 153% Surge of Net Profit in 2Q 2024

According to The Star, $DUFU (7233.BMS)$ posted a 153% year-on-year (y-o-y) surge in net profit to RM8.4mil for its second quarter ended June 30 (2Q24), as revenue also jumped 36.4% to RM65mil. (View original at Dufu Technology reports stellar results for 2Q)
Dufu Technology Berhad – A Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Maker Reports a 153% Surge of Net Profit in 2Q 2024
Source: The Star
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Dufu’s Prospects for 2Q
-The group is witnessing a modest increase in demand for the precision machining of Hard Disk Drives and the production of Sheet Metal and Stamping equipment and components
-The group believes that the toughest phase is over and that global semiconductors are recovering with positive momentum supported by AI-related applications.

There’s a phrase called “赢钱是股神,输钱是赌神“(Those who win in the stock market are magnates, those who lose in the stock market are gamblers). The primary objective for all investors is to earn money and choose the best method that suits you.

Disclaimer: The above content is not an investment advisory service, and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities or stocks customers should buy or sell for themselves. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented above will be profitable or will not result in losses. You should not rely solely on information when making any investment. Rather, you should use the information only as a starting point for doing additional independent research to allow you to form your own opinion regarding investments.

By: Jshen Ng
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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