102324582 : top management want to enjoy private jet,share holder not happy
武德鼎 102324582 : 劇情將相企業強人的?
103575541 102324582 :
102718588 OP 102324582 : Bad news… Shareholders got disappointed
105638753 : Are you trying to buy low while flying?
102718588 OP 105638753 : I buy low when the price is low
BubbleGummy : wah, private jet somemore, pro company. luckily I sold it long ago
105638753 102718588 OP : so the low price you think is how many?
102718588 OP 105638753 : Depends on the chart
102324582 : top management want to enjoy private jet,share holder not happy
武德鼎 102324582 : 劇情將相企業強人的?

103575541 102324582 :
102718588 OP 102324582 : Bad news… Shareholders got disappointed
105638753 : Are you trying to buy low while flying?
102718588 OP 105638753 : I buy low when the price is low
BubbleGummy : wah, private jet somemore, pro company. luckily I sold it long ago
105638753 102718588 OP : so the low price you think is how many?
102718588 OP 105638753 : Depends on the chart