健谈的克利夫兰 : Yeah, isn't it said that it might rise to 0.620?
grass2023 OP 健谈的克利夫兰 : I don't know if it has anything to do with warrant and additional stock issuance.
bullrider_21 : Price fell due to new shares issued following the exercise of warrants.
grass2023 OP bullrider_21 : so is it because the new shares dilute the whole price or because people sell their shares after getting the shares?
bullrider_21 grass2023 OP : Both will drive the price down.
grass2023 OP bullrider_21 : Thank you!
bullrider_21 grass2023 OP :
健谈的克利夫兰 : Yeah, isn't it said that it might rise to 0.620?
grass2023 OP 健谈的克利夫兰 : I don't know if it has anything to do with warrant and additional stock issuance.
bullrider_21 : Price fell due to new shares issued following the exercise of warrants.
grass2023 OP bullrider_21 : so is it because the new shares dilute the whole price or because people sell their shares after getting the shares?
bullrider_21 grass2023 OP : Both will drive the price down.
grass2023 OP bullrider_21 : Thank you!
bullrider_21 grass2023 OP :