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Earnings Basket: Evaluation Criteria for High-Dividend Stocks

Moomoo Learn wrote a column · Sep 11, 2023 15:58
Prudent investors often prefer high-dividend stocks because companies that pay dividends consistently for several years tend to have robust operations and provide steady cash flow returns.
So how to identify high-dividend companies? We can examine their dividend payouts and their fundamentals.
Earnings Basket: Evaluation Criteria for High-Dividend Stocks
Speaking of dividends, some investors focus solely on dividend yield, assuming higher yields are better. However, excessively high yields may be an attempt to boost a falling stock price or driven by a company's temporary profits in a cyclical boom. But these practices may not be sustainable.
When we consider investing in high dividend-paying companies, we may need to focus on share price stability and dividend sustainability. A prudent consideration is choosing companies with a relatively high dividend yield range, say, 2-5%. Also, it can be important to pay attention to dividend growth. For example, companies with a Compound Average Growth Rate(CAGR)of dividends no less than 5% and a history of at least ten years of increased payments might look attractive.
When evaluating company fundamentals, it's important to assess performance stability. Some of the criteria include a market capitalization of over $10 billion, continuous net profit growth for at least 5-10 years with an average rate of over 5%, and strong short-term solvency(ability to repay debt)with a current ratio higher than 1.
To learn more, check out a featured course on moomoo Learn: How to value a stock with better methods.
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