I LUV NFT Art : I hope not. =\ Crypto and my other stock bleeding so far today for me . Blah !
Sir_Gatling OP I LUV NFT Art : This one hasn’t shown any improvement, just slight drops, scary hours
Snow Wolf : I'm optimistic it will hit .08 or higher again today, but we all know how that goes
Sir_Gatling OP Snow Wolf : Today is the last day I’ll hold, then I’m out!
Snow Wolf : Same I'll some profit above .07 and get out until post market, sell pre in am
Snow Wolf Sir_Gatling OP : Could of fckn sold pre market t 3:31 am and made $550 and I didn't. Thought it would shoot up today to .11 again. I have to Trade with gratitude and not greed!!!
I LUV NFT Art : I hope not. =\ Crypto and my other stock bleeding so far today for me . Blah !
Sir_Gatling OP I LUV NFT Art : This one hasn’t shown any improvement, just slight drops, scary hours
Snow Wolf : I'm optimistic it will hit .08 or higher again today, but we all know how that goes
Sir_Gatling OP Snow Wolf : Today is the last day I’ll hold, then I’m out!
Snow Wolf : Same I'll some profit above .07 and get out until post market, sell pre in am
Snow Wolf Sir_Gatling OP : Could of fckn sold pre market t 3:31 am and made $550 and I didn't. Thought it would shoot up today to .11 again. I have to Trade with gratitude and not greed!!!