In 1973, interest rates were relaxed prematurely while the economy was still overheating, whereas in 1995, rates were cut during a phase of a mild recession. Only a sustained decline in real wages can lead to a drop in demand. Before the rate cuts in 1973, real wages had actually been positive for a long time, and high interest rates did not effectively contain the growth of total demand. This is also highly related to the guiding economic ideology of the American elite. In the 1970s, Keynesian progressivism was dominant in the United States, unions were strong, and the growth in prices would be rapidly reflected in wage increases. In contrast, the guiding ideology in the 1990s was neoliberalism, with factories massively seeking overseas labor, hence a wage-inflation spiral was less likely to occur. Returning to the present, with Biden picking up the mantle of big government and unions, the situation of real wages in the United States more closely resembles the script from the 1970s.
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