103536847 : Just bought.
103492531 : buy. ecowld is slow and steady counter. been staying with this counter for almost 3 years
Tony Hoong OP 103492531 : Is there any profit?
NickNg87 : hold bro…next week announce dividend will
NickNg87 : wait announcement next week
Tony Hoong OP NickNg87 : How do you know when he distributed dividends?
Tony Hoong OP NickNg87 : Will the stock price drop when it pays dividends?
NickNg87 Tony Hoong OP : See other ppl comment
103536847 : Just bought.
103492531 : buy. ecowld is slow and steady counter. been staying with this counter for almost 3 years
Tony Hoong OP 103492531 : Is there any profit?
NickNg87 : hold bro…next week announce dividend will
NickNg87 : wait announcement next week
Tony Hoong OP NickNg87 : How do you know when he distributed dividends?
Tony Hoong OP NickNg87 : Will the stock price drop when it pays dividends?
NickNg87 Tony Hoong OP : See other ppl comment