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Is the electric furnace shift in the background of Nippon Steel's US Steel 2 trillion yen acquisition, is domestic electric furnace the next target? 3 stocks that are attracting attention for industry restructuring

moomooニュース日本株 wrote a column · Dec 22, 2023 15:59
$Nippon Steel (5401.JP)$by US peers $United States Steel (X.US)$The 2 trillion yen acquisition is unpredictable due to internal affairs issues in the United States,Exploring the “next target” of major steel manufacturersTherefore, there are also elements that are helpful. Among them, what is particularly helpful is that one of Nippon Steel's aims is that there is a small-scale electric furnace (electric furnace) called a “mini mill” owned by US Steel (USS). Compared to the blast furnace method, which makes steel from iron ore, the electric furnace method, which makes steel by melting steel scrap, has overwhelmingly low carbon dioxide emissions,It is said that there will be a shift from blast furnaces to electric furnaces in the future due to the trend of decarbonization
Within Japan, blast furnace manufacturers are Nippon Steel and $JFE Holdings (5411.JP)$Whereas it has been reorganized around the top 2Electric furnace manufacturers have been delayed in restructuring. The future, centering on the top 2 blast furnaces with financial resourcesIt is also expected that the restructuring of electric furnace manufacturers will progress
Small-scale electric furnaces that Nippon Steel wants
The materials published by Nippon Steel on December 18 regarding the acquisition agreement with the USS set “decarbonization by 2050” as a common goal for both companies. Furthermore, the most advanced electric furnace mini mill is listed as the strength of USS. USS has the cutting-edge mini mill business company “Big River Steel,” which was acquired in 2019, under its umbrella, and a new facility to double production capacity is scheduled to be put into operation from the second half of 2024.
▲Nippon Steel highly appreciates US Steel's mini mill (Nippon Steel 12/18 publication “On the acquisition of U.S. Steel”)
▲Nippon Steel highly appreciates US Steel's mini mill (Nippon Steel 12/18 publication “On the acquisition of U.S. Steel”)
Is there no future for blast furnaces that emit 4 times more CO2 than electric furnaces?
Electric furnaces mainly melt steel scrap to make steel. Iron ore is chemically reacted with coke at high temperatures to make steelWhereas a blast furnace is said to generate about 2 tons of CO2 to produce 1 ton of iron, the emissions are said to be about one-quarter if it is an electric furnace. New technologies such as hydrogen reduction steelmaking to suppress CO2 emissions are also being studied, but mass production has not been achieved.
Electric furnaces are excellent not only in terms of decarbonization, but also in terms of resource recycling. When the world's population plateaues, it is also expected that large amounts of used iron, which has been mass-produced for over 100 years until now, will occur. Mr. Hiroshi Komiyama, chairman of the Mitsubishi Research Institute and former president of the University of Tokyo, has 24 units (at the time) in Japan in response to the Bloomberg interview dated 21/5/17Blast furnaces “will almost disappear around 2050”It shows the way of looking at it.
Currently, high-grade steel, such as automobile frames, is often manufactured in blast furnaces, but it is expected that the shift to electric furnaces will progress in the future.
The United States is one of the most advanced countries in the world for electric furnaces
▲Breakdown of crude steel production volume and production methods in 2022 (World Steel Association website)
▲Breakdown of crude steel production volume and production methods in 2022 (World Steel Association website)
As symbolized by the fall of the US, the United States is lagging behind Japan, China, and India in crude steel production, but it can be said that it is one of the world's leading advanced countries in terms of electric furnaces. According to data from the World Steel Association (Worle Steel Association), over 70% of the world's crude steel production is manufactured in blast furnaces, and less than 30% is manufactured in electric furnaces.In Japan, which has the 3rd highest production volume, about three-quarters are manufactured in blast furnaces, while in the United States, nearly 70% is manufactured with electric furnaces
The largest steel company in the United States $Nucor (NUE.US)$It also has strengths in small-scale electric furnaces (mini mills). Securities analyst Junko Miyagawa, who belongs to S&P Global Ratings, etc., talked about Newcore's strengths in Weekly Economist Online dated 2021/7/5,”Under the Blast Furnace Act, the furnace cannot be stopped because it operates continuously for 24 hours, but mini mills have the advantage of making it easy to adjust production volume by stopping and restarting the furnace while monitoring market conditions. For high value-added products such as high-strength steel sheets, mini mills have also been newly established at locations close to end users' production bases, and production systems and technology development that meet the detailed needs of customers are being carried out.”
Major domestic companies are finally shifting from focusing on blast furnaces to electric furnaces
Meanwhile, the Japanese steel industry, starting with Nippon Steel and JFEHD, which are two strong companies, is centered around blast furnaces. From around the latter half of '22, concrete movements to shift electric furnaces finally began to progress.
Nippon Steel established a large electric furnace for high-grade steel manufacturing in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture in 2022/10 and commenced commercial operation. In 23/5, it was announced that full-scale studies on the conversion from the blast furnace process to the electric furnace process had begun using steel mills in Kitakyushu City and Himeji City in Fukuoka Prefecture as candidate sites.
Also, JFE Steel, which is under the umbrella of JFE Holdings, announced in 23/5 that it will introduce electric furnaces in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture in the second half of fiscal year 25. In November, it was revealed to Kurashiki in Okayama prefecture that they intend to convert the blast furnace to a large electric furnace in fiscal year 27.
Is the restructuring of the domestic electric furnace industry about to begin?
While major domestic electric furnace shifts are being delayed, what is attracting attention is the industry restructuring of existing electric furnace manufacturers.
According to the website of the Ordinary Steel Electric Furnace Industry Association, it is said that ordinary steel electric furnace companies have about 30 companies and about 50 offices in Japan, and restructuring has been delayed compared to blast furnace manufacturers. Whereas the sales scale of blast furnace manufacturers is about 8 trillion yen for Nippon Steel and 5.3 trillion yen for JFEHD, electric furnace manufacturers are in the 300 billion yen range even for listed companies, and there are many unlisted companies.
Concerns about electric furnaces include the use of a lot of electricity and the possibility that it will be a scramble for steel scrap, which is used as a material depending on the season.In addition to the construction of new electric furnaces, it is expected that capital capacity will be required for development research on electric furnaces utilizing renewable energy and development of steel scrap collection routes
▲Overview of listed electric furnace manufacturers
▲Overview of listed electric furnace manufacturers
Whereas JFEHD electric furnace manufacturers consolidated into a wholly owned subsidiary JFE Steel in 2012/4 due to the merger of 4 companies, Nippon Steel still has investors. In particular, the company holds 20% or more of the shares $Kyoei Steel (5440.JP)$ $Topy Industries (7231.JP)$ $Osaka Steel (5449.JP)$There also seems to be a possibility that it will become the center of restructuring.
In particular, Osaka Steel has a high ownership ratio of Nippon Steel, and activist Efissimo Capital owns 6.4%, and the trend is attracting attention.
ー MooMoo News Mark
Source: Japan Steel website, Financial Services Agency “EDINET”, company websites, ordinary steel electric furnace industry association website, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Weekly Economist Online, moomoo
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