It’s being shorted! And profit taking! The volume is pretty stout for PM! Have to see what it looks like in open market! Yesterday MM’s sent 56%+ of open market volume off exchange! That was over 162 million shares sent to DP! Hehehe! Cheating Bi*ches! Hehehe
NercZ24 OP : @Jaguar8 @Trytosaveabit what you think?
Trytosaveabit NercZ24 OP : It’s being shorted! And profit taking! The volume is pretty stout for PM! Have to see what it looks like in open market! Yesterday MM’s sent 56%+ of open market volume off exchange! That was over 162 million shares sent to DP! Hehehe! Cheating Bi*ches! Hehehe
NercZ24 OP Trytosaveabit : could squeeze?
HumbLearner Trytosaveabit : Sorry. What’s MM and DP?
Trytosaveabit NercZ24 OP : I don’t think! But I could be wrong! Lotsa shares LTB but that’s not saying it may not go up?
Trytosaveabit HumbLearner : MM = Market Maker and DP = Dark Pool
IDKWTFIMDOING HumbLearner : Market Makers and Dark Pool
NercZ24 OP Trytosaveabit : true I just wanted your thoughts and I greatly appreciate your thoughts thank you
Trytosaveabit NercZ24 OP : You’re very welcome! GL![handshake 🤝](