102794847 sun : Last week, he had already exceeded his target price.
73876651 OP 102794847 sun : time to sell ?
102794847 sun 73876651 OP : I don't know about this . I still have it on my hands because I'm still holding onto it, waiting for it to rise back to around 900 before selling.
Rafaelli88 : everyone Eli Lilly 975, that CICC decreased to 832 from 920.20 hahahahahaha
102794847 sun : Last week, he had already exceeded his target price.
73876651 OP 102794847 sun : time to sell ?
102794847 sun 73876651 OP : I don't know about this
. I still have it on my hands because I'm still holding onto it, waiting for it to rise back to around 900 before selling.
Rafaelli88 : everyone Eli Lilly 975, that CICC decreased to 832 from 920.20 hahahahahaha