OpenAI has responded to Elon Musk's lawsuit by sharing emails from Musk himself, where he supported OpenAI becoming a business that aims to make money. He even encouraged them to raise "billions" to compete with giants like Google.
Elon had sued OpenAI, accusing it of moving away from its mission of making AI technology an open-source technology , without being influenced by big companies. He also said OpenAI was too close to Microsoft.
OpenAI said Elon wanted to merge OpenAI with his own company, Tesla. But now that OpenAI has been successful on its own, Musk has decided to sue them.
In his emails, Elon said, "We need to go with a much bigger number than $100M to avoid sounding hopeless relative to what Google or Facebook are spending. I think we should say that we are starting with a $1B funding commitment. This is real. I will cover whatever anyone else doesn't provide."
Elon's role has changed from being a supporter to now challenging OpenAI legally. He also mentioned, "Tesla is the only path that could even hope to hold a candle to Google. Even then, the probability of being a counterweight to Google is small. It just isn’t zero."
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