joe black8 OP : oh wait, tsla actually sells no cars in Japan, nevermind , carry on
MaddyKing joe black8 OP : Don’t worry he will still go that’s enough for pumping and dumping game
Kevin Chen15 : He has to go to Toyota first to find it useful!! However, the head of Toyota does not care about him at all!!
Shroomie : great idea, and then he can go to north korea
joe black8 OP : oh wait, tsla actually sells no cars in Japan, nevermind , carry on
MaddyKing joe black8 OP :
Don’t worry he will still go that’s enough for pumping and dumping game
Kevin Chen15 : He has to go to Toyota first to find it useful!! However, the head of Toyota does not care about him at all!!
Shroomie : great idea, and then he can go to north korea