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Elon’s xAI and Tesla: The Odd Couple of Tech World!

Alright folks, gather 'round, because Elon Musk is back in the headlines! This time, it’s not about space, tunnels, or flamethrowers, but something equally... Elon. His AI startup, xAI, is in talks to snag a chunk of Tesla’s future revenue. That's right, xAI wants a slice of that electric pie in exchange for letting Tesla tap into its futuristic AI wizardry. I mean, if you own both companies, why not have them share their lunch money, right?

So, here’s the deal according to *The Wall Street Journal*: Tesla wants to license xAI’s AI models to beef up their self-driving tech. You know, because what could possibly go wrong when you mix AI with self-driving cars? 🤖🚗 Oh, and in true Musk fashion, there’s talk of using this tech for a voice assistant in Tesla cars. Imagine telling your car, “Take me home, Optimus,” and it responds, “Sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that... oh wait, wrong movie!”

But wait, there's more! xAI is also rumored to help out with Optimus, Musk's humanoid robot. Yes, folks, we're on the verge of living out every sci-fi movie where the robots rise up, but it’s okay – they’ll come with a cool Tesla badge and might be your personal butler before world domination.

Now, if you're wondering how much of Tesla's dough xAI gets, that depends on how much Tesla leans on xAI’s tech. It could be an even 50/50 split if Tesla really falls in love with xAI’s brainpower. But hey, knowing Musk, he’ll probably tweet about it later, along with something about Dogecoin, because why not?

And of course, in the background, everyone's thinking: is this Musk being a genius or just making sure Tesla's cash isn’t getting cozy with the wrong side of the AI wars? Either way, buckle up, because the Tesla-xAI saga is about to get as unpredictable as, well, Elon Musk himself!
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