When big drop off, always have some additional cash to buy in at the bottom again. average out buy in price. Usually I recommend holding 15% of your portfolio as cash daily.
As per the interview by the edge with ceo last week, it hints that they r in the midst of acquisite/merge with some infrastucture con company. Hope may release good news soonest……
Wing0416 : Still losing 20%![undefined [undefined]](
NewKidOnTheBlock OP Wing0416 : When big drop off, always have some additional cash to buy in at the bottom again. average out buy in price. Usually I recommend holding 15% of your portfolio as cash daily.
Wing0416 NewKidOnTheBlock OP : Thanks for info.. I did buy in a little at bottom. Bought it too high and not sure when it will go back up
NewKidOnTheBlock OP Wing0416 : me too. my initial buy in point was at 0.45 at the last peak. but manage to buy in again at 0.285
Wing0416 NewKidOnTheBlock OP : Mine was 0.46 and didn’t buy in again until 0.3+![undefined [undefined]](
CYNg1 : The boss said they are still bidding for a 1.2 billion dollar construction contract, and it is estimated that they can get 400 million.
CTH : As per the interview by the edge with ceo last week, it hints that they r in the midst of acquisite/merge with some infrastucture con company. Hope may release good news soonest……
好犀利 CYNg1 : Is there such a thing?
InVestoR LinG : can teach me how U check foreign investment?