Mexicools : what is going on with ESR
tikam-tikam : bad news soon
Jacq Uemus : Management had royally screwed us up!!!
Veteran Analyst : Rumours of financial distress as the results of recent asset sales.
Blessedme : suspected they sell assets due to financial deficit. I hv average down the price but didnt expect it to drop so much.
Countess tikam-tikam : Do you have any inside news
HODL RDDT : still no news?
Mexicools : what is going on with ESR
tikam-tikam : bad news soon
Jacq Uemus : Management had royally screwed us up!!!
Veteran Analyst : Rumours of financial distress as the results of recent asset sales.
Blessedme : suspected they sell assets due to financial deficit. I hv average down the price but didnt expect it to drop so much.
Blessedme : suspected they sell assets due to financial deficit. I hv average down the price but didnt expect it to drop so much.
Countess tikam-tikam : Do you have any inside news
HODL RDDT : still no news?