105420682 : The cigarettes are ready.
104774159 : What can be done in 8 minutes
Niccoles OP 104774159 : What do you think??
105420682 : However, real front-running usually occurs in the early hours of Malaysian time.
Niccoles OP 105420682 : Battle between bulls and bears is ongoing.,The volume is not picking up.
105420682 Niccoles OP : It doesn't matter, they are all fuel, grabbing spot goods is the key.
105420682 : The cigarettes are ready.
104774159 : What can be done in 8 minutes
Niccoles OP 104774159 : What do you think??
105420682 : However, real front-running usually occurs in the early hours of Malaysian time.
Niccoles OP 105420682 : Battle between bulls and bears is ongoing.,The volume is not picking up.
105420682 Niccoles OP : It doesn't matter, they are all fuel, grabbing spot goods is the key.