luckily RC filed 13D (on 11th June and 24th May), 13D was not needed as there were no changes in RC ventures shares count. RC is smart. he knows what to do
Selective truths are what they all make their money on. It isn’t a lie (guilty of calling it that myself) but it’s a shit article that paints part of the picture but
It does not say he sold because that would be in fact a lie.
Ken Griffin Charity
Share count? Did you forget that RC diluted the stock twice in one month? It says very clearly in RC’s own filings that his ownership % is now at 8.6% because of that. There is no “FUD” here, just basic fact.
Blue Jets
OPKen Griffin Charity
yes. RC ventures shares count are the same (36+ million), he didn't sell. but in terms of percentage it was down after dilution. Reuters news were misleading as they only told part of the story. they should have stated percentage down because of recent shares offering, but they didn't
Ken Griffin Charity
Blue Jets
There is literally nothing misleading about pointing out the change in his ownership percentage when they are reporting directly from RC’s own filings. The company’s stock dilution is not some big secret. News agencies should not have to idiot proof every factual report they make. You might as well claim that Reuters is “misleading” because they didn’t specify that RC is the CEO and not some fund manager at vanguard.
71403390 : Selective truths are what they all make their money on. It isn’t a lie (guilty of calling it that myself) but it’s a shit article that paints part of the picture but
It does not say he sold because that would be in fact a lie.
Blue Jets OP 71403390 : yes. they were playing with words. they would argue they didn't say RC sold.
Ken Griffin Charity : Share count? Did you forget that RC diluted the stock twice in one month? It says very clearly in RC’s own filings that his ownership % is now at 8.6% because of that. There is no “FUD” here, just basic fact.
Blue Jets OP Ken Griffin Charity : yes. RC ventures shares count are the same (36+ million), he didn't sell. but in terms of percentage it was down after dilution. Reuters news were misleading as they only told part of the story. they should have stated percentage down because of recent shares offering, but they didn't
Ken Griffin Charity Blue Jets OP : There is literally nothing misleading about pointing out the change in his ownership percentage when they are reporting directly from RC’s own filings. The company’s stock dilution is not some big secret. News agencies should not have to idiot proof every factual report they make.
You might as well claim that Reuters is “misleading” because they didn’t specify that RC is the CEO and not some fund manager at vanguard.
5060 Ken Griffin Charity : blah blah blah. clown
5060 Ken Griffin Charity : so hedgies that need shares bought. 4 bill in the bank. buying more