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Even though I woke up early

The live video of the financial results briefing is not working.
There are no subtitles either.
It's like listening to an English radio.
I'm going to restore it.
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  • moomooサポート : When we investigated the live broadcast you were inquiring about, it was discovered that a problem had occurred with the Japanese subtitle system. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Currently, bug fixes have been completed, and you can watch the recorded content.

  • NagiSan OP moomooサポート : Thank you very much.

    I went through the Apple and Amazon live shows today, and I think everyone would be happy if you could leave a log (+ time log) with Japanese subtitles.
    It's faster to look at the subtitle log than to review the long archive at a later date due to a system problem, and if you look at the time log only where the translation is wrong, and if you look at that part of the archive, you can listen to it even in English.

    I think people who are late for the concert will be able to understand it well even if they watch the live from the middle if they have a subtitle log.

    “The quality of the translation (subtitle log) is not guaranteed”
    If you write a note, there is no risk on your side, and users will also be saved.
    Win-win ‼️

    Please consider

半導体と生成AI銘柄を中心に日本の投資信託で買ってます。 元々ドル建て個別株→S&P超えできず😅 基本フォロバします