it's been pumping to all time highs every week since Biden. It doesn't matter who's in power, the stock market will do what it wants. No one man can inflate it. Y'all need to get off another man's
Biden pumps the 10 stocks only and takes your gain with inflation. Trump stock market has a broader pump. and by the way, I know what the definition of a man is, do you?
73596745 : She going down
Pursuit_Of_Happiness : it's been pumping to all time highs every week since Biden. It doesn't matter who's in power, the stock market will do what it wants. No one man can inflate it. Y'all need to get off another man's
MonkeyGee OP Pursuit_Of_Happiness : Biden pumps the 10 stocks only and takes your gain with inflation. Trump stock market has a broader pump. and by the way, I know what the definition of a man is, do you?