Im still looking for it in MooMoo’s indicators? Either they named the ST ( Super Trend ) indicator something different than most charting apps? Or they don’t offer it! I have it on my other platforms that I trade or use for charting!
KnightSG : What does it mean when ST turns red
Trytosaveabit OP KnightSG : It’s just a indicator I use and below red would set it up for your SL if you haven’t already taken some profit!
KnightSG Trytosaveabit OP : 好的 感谢
我是Newbie Trytosaveabit OP : how to set?
Trytosaveabit OP KnightSG : Sorry the translation button didn’t work! It’s only been working half the time since Friday! Grrrr
Trytosaveabit OP 我是Newbie : Im still looking for it in MooMoo’s indicators? Either they named the ST ( Super Trend ) indicator something different than most charting apps? Or they don’t offer it! I have it on my other platforms that I trade or use for charting!